Round the bend

Not sure who it applies to, them or me. It went from a light flurry to full blown blizzard around here this morning and guess who had forgotten their coat before they went on a walk, oh well back now and to be honest as I work outside for a living I don't generally notice the cold that much.

I was also pursuing number 2 in my series this morning with a visit to Kettle Mere. I know it is on private land ( don't do this at home kiddies ;-)) but I went to have a look anyway, I walked probably 1/2 mile from the canal and then came across my quarry. A beautiful round mere as well.

At this point however the under keeper came over the hill in his off road vehicle. We had a very pleasant chat, which considering I was trespassing is more than I could of hoped for. I have now ascertained the name of the landowner and will go and speak to him in the near future to try and gain legal permission. I want to do this as I spotted a very tempting looking tree a bit further round the lake which would provide me with some nice foreground and also the photos I had taken were full of snow!

This I find is often the most difficult thing, if I knew who to ask I always would but it is never that easy. We find the same at work, before we survey a pipe route there is always a land agent who goes out to speak to the landowners, even they very rarely have a full picture of who owns what. There is a lot of "well Bob from Tamworth owns it, John rents it and then Ted rents it off John but lets his mate Bill use it!"

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