
Left the cabins to come home after a great few days away. Stopped off at nearby Loch Lubnaig for a wander through the woods and alongside the river. Loved it. Girls on great form, seemingly unlimited amounts of energy.

For some reason I'd had a song rattling round my head all morning (well, just the funk wah-wah intro to be exact) and it led me to stick on some of the band in question's stuff when we got back. I first came across them on SnubTV back in the late 80s and they supported Pixies as well, although I remember getting there too late to the gig and only saw their last song then, but they're a band that I dip into now and again, mainly because I find them quite beguiling. I don't love them, but they intrigue me, and I like their name and their style, their record covers always seemed to be the product of them being art-school weirdos of some description, just can't quite put my finger on it. They're all over the place, neither one thing nor another. Try some art-pop-alt-soul.

[Meanwhile, elsewhere today...]

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