Little Judy's Trying To Watch Top Of The Pops

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Well, today was embarrassing. 

Caro has hired a man to come around and mow the lawn. I said the boys wouldn't like that. 



But Caro reassured me that THE STRANGE MAN wouldn't be mowing the back lawn. "I can do that," she told me. "He's just mowing out the front and down the side of the house."

"Wait," I said. "We have GRASS down the side of our HOUSE?"

She gave me a look. "You only LIVE here," she told me. 

Anyway. I went to look. 

It turns out she is QUITE RIGHT. Who knew?

Caro rolled her eyes at me. She was out in the garden a lot today, puttering about with canes, trying to get her manuka bushes to grow upright (they tend to lurk at ground level). 

Meanwhile, we saw Roland* again. He was sitting in the garden eating the bird food, happy as you please. I went out to talk to him, and he just looked back at me, sitting on his little bottom. 

You may wonder where the cats are in all this? Well. Roland is smart enough to time his arrival. We have noted he always turns up at around 10am, which is when both lads have their mid-morning nap. 

Anyway, I kept on walking toward him and eventually he took off. But he's getting pretty bloody cocky. This will be his downfall. 

My rat trap has arrived, so I baited it with more bird food and placed it at the bottom of the garden. Roland might be cagey enough to ignore it, so if this doesn't work, I'll try again with leftover cat food. 

It's a non-lethal trap by the way. I saw some in the shop that FIRE A METAL BOLT INTO THE RAT'S HEAD. Mean!!

I'd rather learn to live with Roland. 


* Caro has named him.

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