Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

1500 Consecutive Blips

With confetti flying and champagne bubbling, I am marveling at the wonder of this moment. A little over three years ago (oops, I meant four years ago. Gosh I can't even keep track anymore!) I found Blipfoto when I was looking for a place to daily keep a journal. I needed some kind of accountability so that I wouldn't drift from the pier and forget to journal every day.

Just 5 or 6 weeks ago I celebrated my "3-year-Blipfoto-Victory" -- oops, that's really 4-years! No way, that seems impossible. I starting blipping in January 2009! My message for that recent anniversary day was entirely too lengthy, but certainly heart-felt, so I don't think I should repeat that again.

Writing this journal daily . . . "blipping" . . . has become a way of life. I'll be forever grateful for this website and community of blippers. I value my journal, and the comments that I receive are absolute treasures.

For the most part I view life as a celebration and it has been fun to share those days here. I've shared some very sad days and some major occasions on my page. Even the lackluster days are meaningful, and even more so with distance and hindsight and that is what Blipfoto provides; it gives the opportunity to look back with perspective.

I am not a spectacular photographer, but I appreciate the quality photographers in this community; it is always delightful when they encourage me, and they do so often.

When I first entered this community, I fell head-over-heels and was addicted in the worse way. It seemed like every moment of every day I thought about photos and what I could capture with my little point & shoot for that day. I am pleased to proclaim that I have recovered from that all consuming need to blip, and now have a much more balanced relationship with this place. I am proof that there is life after addiction. I still love to blip. I still love to get comments. I still love to write comments. I've learned, though, that I can't ignore all the other aspects of my life. So I continue to blip every day, but unfortunately I do not comment as much as I'd like to.

I love this community! Thank YOU Joe and thank you to your family, and to all of Blip Central for this wonderful place. Thank you to the community -- you are the nicest people in the whole world.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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