Gulliver: the video

After so much interest in the hand-cranked separator passata maker I have really laboriously put up a video of me doing the hand cranking.

First you remove and discard excess liquid. Then crank with one hand and titivate the boiled tomatoes in the hopper with the other using an implement as they are boiling hot. Passata goes to right. Pips and skin to left. Pips and skin are reprocessed once.

Here is the link on my website that I have rather neglected. The link takes you to the You Tube video I posted today (a first for me).

An extra as addition to my series, ‘Through a Tuscan window’. It was rather how I felt after effing around getting a video from my phone to my website via You Tube. One skin of the double glazing broke in the last and v rare summer storm we had weeks ago.

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