Gem & Amir

Nate went off more easily today! I spent the morning in a cafe by school with a friend who's Dad died last week. Unfortunately he lived in Victoria, Australia, so there was absolutely no way she could get back in time to say goodbye because of the mandatory 14 day hotel quarantine. So good to sit with her and listen.
Afternoon time was spent decorating a box with pompoms with Asha - each kid needs to keep all of their own stuff in a box under their individual desk, so there's no mixing of anything...she's sooo pleased with her creation - I'm sure she'll blip it.
Early evening and I was up in the Festival Club with this pair, Gem and Amir. They wanted some photos of the bump. This tutu was what she was wearing the night she and Amir details like that!
I was soooo so tired come the end! Now to go through the many images!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Stef - so good to be with her. 
2) Nate clearly settling more.
3) Danny being amazing and dropping me/picking me up from the photo session.

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