Latex Balloons Will Be Present

Sodexo was having some crazy fancy event where you could get massive amounts of delicious food for 5 meal dollars. Our table looked insane. I wish the food was that wonderful everyday.

As of tomorrow Caitlin and I are embarking on a 40 day social media blackout. Our reasonings: 10% Jesus. 30% to annoy Michael. 25% so we can focus on our studies. and 35% because we feel like we're in the Hunger Games (reason being loser gets to kill the other person, duh). So here goes that. Goodbye facebook, twitter, instagram, and snap-chat. Blipfoto gets to stay, we voted. It's in everyones best interests.

"The happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes."
-Hugh Downs

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