My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Different route

It seems that people on the school run are adverse to any sort of social distancing and just want to use all (or more if they could) of the pavement. I know it’s a sweeping statement and overgeneralisation but that’s the way it felt to both me and my mum last week.

It’s a very large school and so there are an awful lot of people on the street, even with the staggered starts for each class and year groups.

Today L and I took a slightly longer route (past the lovely horsey field) to approach the infants school from the opposite direction as the gate we have to use for the one way system around the school is on that side of the building. It was SOOOOO much better and completely avoids the whole junior school foot traffic. I told my mum about it and she is going that way tomorrow too.


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