Sunflowers gone wild

when these weedy little plants started to grow and I put them in, I thought if they grew to 3 foot I would be amazed because they just didn't seem strong enough, now the are going mad, these are only this side of the camera it's the same behind me, but I couldn't get a good shot of the full fence.

I've had a busy day, walked the dogs, stripped the beds and washed all the bedding,  lovely breezy mild day for drying. Remade all the beds. vacuumed the house from top to bottom, just a bit of polishing to do.

 Sorted some low calorie and low carb. meals from the 800 diet book.  We are incorporating them with another diet we used a few years ago where we don't eat or drink (only water) for 8 hours ie during the night 9pm to 9am. The one we did then was nothing to eat from 9pm until 1pm the next day  but due to our age we decided that it wasn't a good idea to go too long and breakfast is an important meal I always think. My granddad used to say it set you up for the day and I'm with him on that.

I was watching the programme on BBC1 tonight Extinction with David Attenborough, It was quite an eye opener, If only some people would take heed of what they are telling us.

Hope you have all had a good weekend.  Stay safe, sounds like warm weather to come this coming week for a couple of days

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