horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Milking It

I've mentioned before how one of our aims of going on holiday is to avoid people as much as possible. Well that meant the initial choice of driving out to the Mull of Galloway, Scotland's most southerly point, was something of a mistake today....

Put a large café and a car park anywhere and it naturally gathers many many people who wouldn't otherwise be there. Now, of course, some people simply can't walk to these places to see them, but as soon as a large couple got out of their SUV, that had crawled along the road in front of us in terror at the width of the road, came round the back and opened it out to reveal two ENORMOUS dogs, who then promptly had a set of steps unfolded for them to walk down to ground level... I knew it wasn't going to be for us. We had a walk down to the foghorn (the multiple steps putting many off); then got back in the car and headed to Portpatrick. 

This place is also busy, but walk just a short way out of the town along the cliffs and it thins out. A bit. Given you walk the first mile or so alongside a golf course. Not really the wild experience.

Still, there was a Red Kite on the way home that played about in the sun, and the whole place is still beautiful and relaxing. And it helps if you can sit out at night, with the sky clear, and see the Milky Way. 

We just need to choose walking locations a bit better!


Mull of Galloway lighthouse
Wee waterfall near Portpatrick
Red Kite quartering the fields for prey

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