
By Mindseye

Sunny Sunday

Stayed up until just after midnight last night, went to bed, dont remember a thing..... didnt wake at all until 8.30 :-D Felt so much better for it today too.

Hub decided,on a restful day, in terms of walking, so I went off to get the Sunday papers, such a lovely morning, I took, yself off towards town and around a longer way back home....at a reasonable pace too, really enjoyed it.

We sat in the garden for an hour reading, with a,cuppa, before we got "stuck in". Lots of weeding and cutting back for me, whilst hub mowed both front and back lawns, they were quite long, bins almost full again lol!

At 1.30 we broke off for lunch, soft boiled eggs with toasted soldiers ;-) then back outdoors again.

I was popping in and out, a piece of beef brisket seasoned and slow roasting, made batter for the Yorkshire pudds, prepped cabbage with white onion & sage, carrotts, a couple of small new potatoes, with a couple of roasters too & gravy.

Hub was reading, we did the crossword between us, hub disappeared indoors, watching the cricket for a while, I cleaned the bird bath, filled up all the feeders.....then got my camera and took a few shots of the garden, which is still looking pretty good for the time of year!

Sunday dinner was delish, brisket was melt in the mouth tender.....yorkshires rose, just enough beef left for a sandwich tomorrow ;-)

Just watched the penultimate episode of The Bridge, just fabulous, even though Ive already seen it, then the end of the cricket, and as soon as Ive uploaded my blip, ion to Strike :-)

Wishing you sll a happy & safe new week

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