Autumn is Waiting in the Wings

There’s an odd looking wee wifie who seems to do a lot of walking about the area and this morning I saw her with one hand full of conkers and the other one holding leaves and a sprig of rowan berries. I sometimes wonder who she is........ oh hang on, I think she may be me, on the hunt as always for the day’s blip.

Chasing the miles, I was up and out to put some of them behind me before breakfast. It was very windy and although it was particularly mild, nature has decided that autumn is starting , with fallen leaves of colourful hues and rowan trees bursting with berries. I do hope the old wives’ tale that bounteous berries mean a hard winter is just that, an old wives’ tale.

I had a long natter over coffee with a neighbour in Soderberg’s and we were very lucky to get a table. For some reason people have started booking tables online which leaves the ordinary neighbourhood punter tableless. I suggested to the management that perhaps they could make a plaque with my name on it and fix it to the back of a chair for perpetuity.

Porty daughter appeared out of nowhere after lunch and we walked into town, I to collect my order from M&S and she to meet a friend. I was secretly delighted when she told me to stop walking so quickly, it’s so much better than feeling I was keeping her back.

Hey ho another week looms and to start it on the wrong foot, so to speak, I have a dental check up first thing. I have filled in all the relevant forms online and must appear exactly on time , waiting outside until I am called in. Thank goodness it’s mild. Imagine waiting outside in the rain or snow. It’s all becoming ludicrous.......and yet........are there any other options? Well, Sweden seems to have fared better.

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