More harvest

The morning involved a MrH bringing me a cup of coffee at just before 9am and then persuading me to get out of bed, I’m not sure what the rush was as there were no plans. The neighbour had a guy round digging up her paving which was pretty full on work and noisy - it went on all morning. I felt like everything was against me for a lie-in.

Once up I did some gardening and pot emptying. I’ve got tomato rot on some of my plants so decided to bite the bullet and harvest all the tomatoes in the porch and on the veranda. I reckon I’ve got about 2kg. The jars I need arrive on Monday and I have everything I need (I hope) except shallots.

Went for a bit of a walk and enjoyed unexpectedly feeling the warmth of the sun on my face this afternoon. Bumped into a work colleague I’ve not seen since Feb so that was lovely.

I’ve used soapberry shampoo for the first time today (I thought they were called soap nuts) and it seems to be ok, I wanted something gentle but not a branded baby shampoo. I ran out of shampoo and had to make an urgent purchase so I went with something new that would get to me quick. Very fortunately it’s got peppermint oil in it so it smells rather fab. I could be a convert!

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