wild & precious life

By IrwellRiver

Shop till you drop!

Spinning class followed by, what felt like, a mammoth shopping trip. Needed all sorts as our youngest daughter is moving into her 2nd year Uni town house on Tuesday! We also needed pressies for Joseph's birthday and food for a family meal tomorrow to mark this and the end of a long spell at home & their eventual return to Uni! Let's hope their second year experience isn't diminished because of Covid-19! It's caused enough disruption to their first year!
My legs are really aching now after walking round and round the MetroCentre.
Whilst in TKMax, I slipped this little wooden box into the trolley and it is now bringing me joy! I wanted the one with a 'Broadway' address on, after our visit there in the summer, but alas it was too small so Oxfordshire it is!

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