Whitekirk church at night.

Another dry day, things are still muddy but at least they have been drying up a little with the wind. Sheep are fine. The Dining room is taking shape slowly, the Man Human has been varnishing the doors. The lady Human has been meticulously cleaning everything before it is put back. I have had to growl at a few things, a set of stepladders left in the hall, the stick stand in a strange place. I did it so the humans would know that I was not pleased. I have always been used to a place for everything and everything in its place. Hopefully by the end of the evening it will be just so.

The blip is a continuation of the Back up human taking pictures at night. This is Whitekirk church in the flood lighting, looks even better when there is snow, maybe tomorrow according to the weather, keep warm and safe, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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