
By OldTimer

Gull at Lake Waihola

Wonderful day. After breakfast with the family at Palmerston we headed south. First stop in Dunedin to visit my friends grandson and his wife who are expecting their first child in four weeks. Fun seeing their nursery all set up and ready
On down to Lake Waihola where we stopped for a picnic lunch. Lots of birds around but none too sure of this ones true identity. We came on down to the Caitlin’s via Kaka Point and now happily ensconced in our van in Pounaweas beautiful camping ground surrounded by native Bush teeming with bird life and lots of spoonbills and herons out on the estuary.
Visited an old school friend which was a real joy and after our evening meal watched the film The Piano. Had seen it before but found story line a bit wierd
New adventures await us tomorrow and so to sleep. Have also backblipped yesterdays

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