A very peaceful start to the day - no yoga, no work. I treated myself to a nice read of my book in bed. Until Will burst out of his room at 8am, obviously we had managed to forget about school. By lucky chance he wasn’t required until 9 which gave us the 20 minutes needed to see him out the door clothed, fed and watered. Monday will be easier - back to work and school every day.
Daisy and I had a wander round Asda buying all the rest of the mountain of things she needs. I sat in the sun and read my book, walked Rosie, swam in the sea.
Went out with my worthing lovelies for my birthday outing. First to this young persons skanky roof top bar with horrible music introduced to us by our daughters. 2 cocktails for £10 though and beautiful views. Kate only got accosted by one of her students so not too bad.
Then dinner, brilliant presents and an all round lovely time.
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