Indian Summer

On the whole a lovely sunny day but late afternoon it’s turned rather dark and cloudy, possibly rain on the way and the wind has picked up.
Took the last lot of soil to add to the green waste at the tip.
Then took a large pile of books to the local Oxfam bookshop.
Then cleaned the inside of the car, it certainly needed it.
Next it was shopping at Waitrose then Aldi.
Elaine is coming to stay tomorrow night so l gave her bedroom and ensuite a quick once over. though it didn’t really need it,
It will be the first time she has stayed this year.
Cut the grass in the back garden but have now run out of steam and l’m calling it a day.

I think this Alstroemeria is called Indian Summer but not 100% certain.
Thank you for the comments, stars and hearts, l appreciate every one..

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