Life In Wales

By KarenC

Olhos D’Agua

Every thing went very smoothly at the airport, the alarm was set for 2.45am and surprisingly we both felt quite awake after a good sleep. We checked out just before 4am and walked over to the airport which was very quiet. We dropped the cases off, went straight through security - of course masks had to be worn at all times.

Our flight was on time and we were very impressed with how Tui handled the boarding with just 5 rows at a time starting from the back. Once on the plane they advised that everyone had to wear their mask for the duration of the flight with it covering chin, mouth and nose and said if anyone didn’t want to comply to come forward and they’d be removed from the plane. You could remove them briefly to have a drink or something to eat. No moving around the plane and only two at a time for the toilets. We didn’t have anyone else next to us and there was no one in the seat behind me, so all in all we felt very comfortable.

We landed early, at 8.40am and were at the hotel by 11am. Our room was ready so we went and unpacked and booked a table for lunch at 12.30pm. The hotel is lovely, and is on the top of the cliffs, so has great views. It’s adults only, all inclusive, and our room is on the top floor (only 3 floors) so we have a nice view across the gardens to the sea.

They’re only allowed to run at 60% capacity but apparently it’s only 50% full at the moment. Everything is a one way system, hand sanitisers everywhere, tables and sun loungers are spaced well apart and the buffet restaurant has everything behind glass screens so that you can choose what you want but someone serves you. Also masks have to be worn whenever you’re inside, so we feel very safe.

After lunch we went for a walk into the village of Olhos D’Agua where we’re staying. It’s a lovely little fishing village and my blip today is one of the houses in the village. Then we came back and I went for a swim, and had cocktails by the pool before dinner.

So all in all it’s been a good start to our holiday. As expected, Portugal went back into the quarantine list so we did right planning for it and we’ll isolate when we get home.

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