At the Salon

Gosh I'm tired!!
Arwen never slept for longer than 45 minute stretches overnight and needed either feeding or pick up/put down comforting between times. I got half hour naps here and there... So this morning having taken the two bigger girls to school/preschool I planted myself and Arwen on the sofa for three hours. I watched the last instalment of the Harry Potter movies, whilst Arwen fed and fed and fed and napped a bit in between. By lunchtime I was supposed be off to see my bunch of mummy friends, so I packed up the car and set off...but turned around and headed home after 5 minutes because I was just too tired to function properly and didn't feel safe driving.
Back home Hubby came in from work on his lunch hour and then after that Arwen and I went for an afternoon nap. No rest for the wicked though - less than 90 minutes later my alarm went off (good job I set it!) and we had to go and get the big girls and head to the village hair salon where the stylists struggled to chase the two of them around and keep their heads still enough to do the hair cutting properly.
Home once more, I cooked a bunch of pancakes, it being Shrove Tuesday and all, and now am feeling particularly stuffed.
Note on yesterday's banana cake: the frosting was wayyyyy too bitter so I ended up adding icing sugar and golden syrup to sweeten it a bit. Not overly impressed with the cake result either. Might stick to banana loaf again in future. Still I am determined actually to try new recipes this year instead of always going back to the same old staples.
Arwen now fed and going to sleep, which I will no doubt be doing too before long.
43/365 completed!

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