A day in the life

By Shelling

That's all folks.

Another varied day is at its end. I had an early start driving Mr.T's daughter and her husband to the morning bus for Stockholm, they are going back to the US, where they live.

At eleven I did my next to last concert for the elderly in strong winds that blew my notestand all over the place. I know most of it by heart but I no longer trust my memory, I need the words there for safety. The concert was very well received despite the wind though.

After my lunch, of two sandwiches and coffee in the car, I met up with a woman I'm helping out with a song that she wants to sing and put on youtube with me accompanying her. It's going to be a while before we're ready for that but it's fulfilling being able to help people withe their dreams.

At three o clock I did my last concert for this time around. Many wants me to come back but as things are, it won't happen until the spring after the vaccine has arrived, hopefully. And even then it will probably take a while before I'm allowed inside the homes to play music for them indoors. Maybe we'll have to continue playing outdoors for them a while yet. They are so needy now, feeling alone and isolated, nobody touching them or sitting close to talk and maybe holding hands for a while. They miss their relatives visiting and the staff is worn out and sad. Change will come, but when and how is what everyone wonders. 

I'm so happy to have been able to give them a short moment of escape from the everyday routines though. What's next?

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