Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


Saw this on our evening walk. Beautiful little Austin van, circa 1935. Smells just like an old car should. Drew a crowd of admirers. Well, me and another bloke who had just wandered pissed out of a pub garden.

Average working day. Found out that it is our cleaner’s birthday on Monday (same day as The Yoga Mama) so popped out and bought her some flowers. The Dizzle is home for a few days so Mystic Em is here too which is lovely.

Have just finished "And the Weak Suffer What They Must?: Europe, Austerity and the Threat to Global Stability" By Yanis Varoufakis. Crazy account of the last 75 years of global economic crises. The EU and Germany do not come out of this well if he is to believed, and are guilty of pursuing hegemony over democracy and failing to protect the most vulnerable in the process. Bankers are pretty much cockroaches the world over and the current meltdown of capitalism is the perfect breeding ground for Neo Nazis. Interestingly he seems to have few detractors once you start googling and is a well respected lone voice. I suspect the establishment know his analysis is right but that he isn’t a threat because no-one is listening to him. But yet again - a highly intellectual effort that makes no reference to the fact that cpitalism, whether benign or corrosive, is still destroying the planet. We need politics that addresses climate change and environmental degradation as well as inequality...

RIP Diana Rigg. My crush as a ten year old. A sixties icon.

Half day tomorrow then ten days without work ...

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