A big long walk................... & other RANTING

I like it when my very lovely owner, Ann, is bored and has nothing to do. When she has nothing to do all day, she says, 'Trixie would you like to go on a big long walk?'

Today we walked for 13.2 miles. No wonder I'm snoozing now instead of gobbling up my dinner. We walked all the way from home to the Old Gasworks at Granton via the Union Canal, Edinburgh Park, Cammo Estate, Almond River & Crammond. It took us about four and a half hours but we had such a lovely, lovely walk.

This is a photo of me going up the big steps alongside the River Almond. This area of the walkway was closed for ages but fortunately it's opened again now. The steps are all aluminium and supported with scaffolding. However they're 'open' steps and I would imagine that a lot of doggies wouldn't want to walk up them because they'd be scared. I wasn't scared. I just raced up them in mad, happy, bouncy, collie mode.

Arrived at Granton and jumped on a No 38 bus to bring us home. …..................And here starteth the RANT!!!

 Whilst on the bus Ann checked her messages. Obviously she hadn't watched 'Nicola Sturgeon' doing her daily briefing but it would appear that as of Monday only TWO households can meet up inside and out. Ann is single. Most of her friends are single. That means that she can only meet up with one person at a time. What a load of rubbish. Last night she popped round to a friends house for a drink. 3 single people together from 3 households …................so as of Monday she's not allowed to do that???????

BUT................................ she is allowed to meet up with the 5 members of her sisters family, who are one household. Apparently it doesn't matter that they're all adults????? Both of her nephews are working in big organisations and her niece is going to and fro between a student house and her mummy & daddy's house. How on earth is that safe compared to Ann, as a single person that doesn't go anywhere apart from the supermarket and the dog walk and out to restaurants to 'eat out to help out' with other single friends????????? And although Ann has been into a lot of restaurants, most of them have been very, very, safe with all government guidelines followed.

As far as Ann is concerned (from her own experience)........................ There's no risk in restaurants/pubs/public transport/supermarkets. …............Where Ann does feel slightly worried is when she saw the number of people standing around watching the street performers in the Grassmarket in Edinburgh (hardly anybody was wearing masks and there was absolutely no social distancing going on whatsoever. More than 100 people crowded together???????????) And also in St Ives, Cornwall (where Ann still has a home)...................... zillions of people crowded into the small streets with no masks or no idea about social distancing?????


…......................And also........................... while Ann is having a bit of a RANT.....................

…..............For months now we've been hearing that there's going to be a second wave of 'Covid' so why is the Government getting so panicky now that there is? The bars/restaurants have been opened in Scotland for a few weeks now and the kids went back to school about 3 weeks ago so obviously the infection rate is going to go up.

Anyway Ann is trying to be a 'responsible person' so she's downloaded the 'NHS Scotland' app to her phone so that she can be 'traced and tracked or trace & protected' or whatever?????

…......................And she's getting fed up of RANTING now.

My dinner has been out for me since 6pm but walking more than 13 miles has made me very, very sleepy so I'm in my bed having snooze time and Ann's dinner will be ready by 7.30pm. Just in time to watch EastEnders. Yay!!!!!!

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