Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Wednesday — Sunrise Cross

Mr. Fun took and sent me this photo.

He was out for his morning walk; the first one back here at our SoCal place. He usually walks out of the neighborhood then down the street behind our house to the church a block or so away. It’s called New Beginnings.

The preschool at the church is open even during this pandemic season, so Mr. Fun usually waves to the women who care for, teach, nurture, and supervise the children and then he walks to the cross and prays for the kids and the adults.

Then he continues on his walk praising, praying, and pounding the pavement before he returns to the house to continue his morning. Today he sent me this photo.

Good night from SoCal,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too

P.S.  Mr. Fun’s appointment this afternoon with the Kaiser radiation urologist was good. The doctor was very reassuring that the lymph node that was previously in question is not cancerous (that's very good news). The doctor believes radiation is better than surgery for Mr.Fun because it comes with less complications and equal success rate. So, if tomorrow the City of Hope doctor agrees, we will then be planning a 28 day radiation procedure and schedule with Kaiser.  So, 5 1/2 weeks M-F, but first an appointment to place 3 gold markers in the Prostate; then approx 10 days for one more "planning" appointment and then after that radiation begins.

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