Aunty Al!!!

This morning after doing my exercises in bed I was so tired I slept until 11.30. I did stagger down for lunch but I just felt so tired so I spent the afternoon really just watching TV, I forced myself out for a short walk with Max, Alexandra arrived about four, she very kindly went and did a big shop for us with Gulli and then cooked us a delicious Mexican dinner, hunters chicken with Mexican rice and sweetcorn and coleslaw delicious! She even bought me some raspberry sorbet.
I introduced her to gameface which of course she thought was absolutely hilarious.
I’ve been watching embarrassing fat bodies on Channel 4, so interesting, I’ve learnt so much, all inspiring stuff to keep me motivated.
It’s been lovely to hear the banter between Max and Alexandra, just having fun as a family together, it’s given us all a real lift.

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