
By JennyOwen

Cousins: morning nap.

Eben (4 going on 13 and 3/4) stayed over with us Mon night - we had a good time, going through our usual routines & games together.
His Dad Josh was away for a couple of days, working. Mum Ruth (my daughter) came over to pick him up this morning. She was very tired: she'd been woken by a fox trying to get into the chicken run in their garden in the night. And of course by 1 year old Luca, who still wakes in the night.
Tuesday is my regular day to take care of Frieda, my son's daughter, also aged 1.
So, long story short, we spent most of the day together. Richard kept us going with tea, snacks and lunch.
The day turned out warm and sunny. We spent part of it in the park across the road. With some careful juggling, we managed to get Luca and Frieda napping at the same time. Then I stayed with them while Ruth spent some quiet time with Eben.
I was in bed by 8.30 pm!

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