
By monkus

first time up xianshan in what feels like ages... the afternoon light turning wonderful and hazy beneath broken cloud while the day was beginning to turn towards frustration, deciding an early finish to things was in order, postponement being a better word, i found myself upon a bike and cycling back to the hills... the bike journey made me long for the morning madness, a chaos of cars and taxis all of whom seemed to be in a hurry and surrounded by some kind of forcefield of madness...gratefully in one piece though with a shouted out throat, i wonder if giving the bird to drivers can end up as a repetative strain injury, up the steps.... just in time to see the broken cloud begin to thicken on the horizon, the sun peeping through small gaps as a heavy haze clung to the horizons. it was beautiful to see but not what you'd call photogenic... taking a break along the top of xianshan in a sheltered viewing platform, just watching the day fade, cars and streetlights beginning to shine in the city below, the hidden sun offering a last scattering of light...

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