
By Farmerboab

Getting in a flap - Bye bye buzzard ....

A damp start, but it had dried up enough by early afternoon to make a start harvesting again. Took our combine up the track to a field of barley, stuck the header on and left wee brother to get on with it.
The contractor moved his combine the 5 miles down the road to make a start on 32 acres of barley down there. Left Ross to cart in the grain and headed back home to bale half the 40 acres we cut yesterday, then back down the road to bale the rest of the barley straw in bandit country so the staff have bales to lift tomorrow as it is forecast to rain.
The field I was in was at the top of the hill overlooking Edinburgh and Fife. I counted 7 combines going , most of them on wheat by the visible clouds of dust around them.
Had ours cut and everyone home by 10 pm, so not a bad days work, if only it wouldn’t rain tomorrow !
This was one of 3 buzzards keeping me company today, perched on the bales looking for prey. As usual , as soon as I got near enough for a photo they took off !

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