
By bananablip

Sunday joy

I started this morning with a run, my first in a long time. I don’t run much in the summer because it’s too warm and there’s too much other fun stuff to do. But I’m looking forward to getting back to it now the temperatures are cooling (there has to be some, tiny silver lining in there).

Zoom church which was nice especially as I haven’t been around much in the summer.

Then onto Groove Cottage for my first roast dinner since...well, I don’t know when. Maybe even since 2019. It was worth the wait. Then, because my hairdresser is still on maternity leave (and also, I’m a cheapskate) mum cut my hair again. Not sure I’d ask her again after a glass of wine though. Some sloe picking on the canal (worth the effort for the gin dad produces) and a game of Ticket to Ride.

Two day weekends are too short.

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