
By Mindseye

Saturday saturation

After less than five hours sleep I dragged myself up........isnt it always the way when you have something on and you want to look your best :-(

We walked into town, did a bit of shopping, went into Costa, coffee to hopefully perk me up a little ;-)

Back home later, a quick egg & bacon on toast, before getting ready to go to daughters for her much anticipated "white" wine tasting evening.

We set off, just as we left our estate I realised I had left my glasses on the bed, so about turn, much to hubs frustration ;-/ We arrived a little late, hub gave daughter the bag with our allotted wines in...."Dad this is not what you were supposed to bring?!". Hub had only put the wrong bottle in for me, mine was supposed to be Chenin Blanc, not Pinot Grigio!
Luckily someone had cried off at the last minute who had been allocated Pinot, so our extra had that covered but I had to jump back in the car to retrieve my Chenin, then realised I'd not got my phone......don't like going out, especially alone, without it!!

Opened the house, into the garage fridge then out again, I nearly dropped the wine whilst locking the front door, so much condensation on the bottle it almost slipped out of my hand, just managed to grab it by the cap lol!!! Back to daughters, handed over the wine, went to my handbag for my phone....not there!!!! I had only left it charging at home, if only I had checked!!!

After this carry on you could be forgiven for thinking that the night was doomed, but far from it, we had a fab night, managing to socially distance in daughters' spacious kitchen diner, other than this photo which took all of 30 seconds!!

11 bottles of white wine, @ minimum £6 a bottle, all tasted blind, we had to write which of the 11 we thought each one was and rate it! There were some very nice ones and some absolute shockers too! A few noggins will be nursed tomorrow morning I think ;-)

We left around 10ish.......left the "youngsters" to it, we weren't the first or even the second to leave mind you ;-) and yes, hub was the only man, and yes he was privvy to some very "girlie" conversations lol :-0

Somehow I have managed to last until midnight........!!!!

Stay safe all

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