Stick?Get the?..Oh!

It was fine today. Yep they do get it wrong sometimes and Jeanneb53 duly arrived at the Coffee place and The Blip Bear was transferred to her care. She seemed pleased 'Cos she had thought he would be bigger but The Boss advised that he had been on a strict diet of Maple Syrup and they had run out, so his waistline was perfectly preserved.
I will miss this little guy. He sat on the dining room sideboard and always said "hullo" as I went past. Maybe when The B's go to Canada next they can get me my very own Bear...with a squeaker. YES! Or maybe I should ask Bethanne Who, because she has Barking Bears. Sounds just my style.

The skies were overcast later in the day and by the time The Boss and ME went sticking after grub everything had a wonderful 'Northerly' look to it and I got quite excited when I spotted this biggie but The Boss told me it was a water ski lane indicator, whatever that is, and he wouldn't chuck it and I couldn't have it. So we found lots of other ones that needed flying lessons instead.

Mind the waves

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