a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

Generations of Love 2013

It's rolling around to mardi gras time again.

Decided to have a quick stickybeak at the Mardi Gras Fair this morning, before the sun got too high in the sky. I felt so sorry for those people clad in full animal costumes (or even those in non-breathable lycra and whatnot) - it really wasn't the weather to be sauntering about in the open. One man had the right idea by setting himself up in an inflatable swimming pool, sitting there in the middle of the park with beachballs and waterwings. I had a hard time choosing a photo for today's blip - this was my other main choice.

There were (rather embarrassed-looking) dogs wearing angel wings and butterfly bobbles on their heads. Other dogs appeared in rainbow vests, blue Mohawk haircuts, draped silks, and with miniature jockeys on their back (this last group appeared to maximum effect in a sectioned-off area marked DoggyWood).

There was more glitter, bling, feathers and colours than you knew what to do with.

There were performers, painted clad and unclad backsides, bazooka -waterpistols, gimp-centurions (or centurion-gimps, whichever you prefer) bikies, families, couples, furries...actually you name it, there was either a stand selling it or petitioning for it; or someone running around being it.

Want a violent green feathered fan? Come to the Fair.

Want a pink rubber tyre swan for your garden? Come to the Fair.

Need some rhinestones for extra pizzazz? Come to the Fair.

The best bit about it was that it was incredibly relaxing just to wander around and chat with people. I don't think I encountered anyone who was stressed or grumpy. And those who'd dressed up were justifiably proud of their amazing outfits (although I have a sneaking suspicion Mr Centurion-Gimp might not have let me take his photo if he had been merely Mr Centurion; he was quite adamant about the whole gimp part of his persona).

I'm sure if I'd gone a little later in the day, when it would have been busier, I would have had an even more enjoyable time. But that would mean it would have been more difficult to choose a blip for the day!

A few supplementary photos here.

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