More birds

Sticking with birds....

We’ve stopped at Julia Creek Caravan Park for the folks to catch up on doing laundry etc.

Nice little park with outdoor bathhouses where you can soak in a tub and watch the sunset!

While hanging out the laundry an emu strolled over for a bit of ‘green pick’. The Brolga may be the biggest flying bird but the Emu is the biggest bird. Just can’t fly! As the song goes.... ‘he’s got a beak and feathers and things but the poor old fella ain’t got no wings’.

Ah! Ilove country music!
The Silverback hates it - he likes Miles Davis and other weird stuff. Dare I say it- he also likes the Bird!

A little extra to show we have small birds too. A pair of Crested Pigeons popped by to try and cadge some crumbs at dinner time last night. I saw them off! Any crumbs coming from that table have the name Enzo written all over them!

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