...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Drop ceiling!

Went to the movies with a friend today. Can't beat it, free movie pass and a gift card to Rubio's. Gotta love the gift cards, they make me happy!

We saw 'Silver Linings Playbook'. I didn't realize the first 1/2 would be so intense. Dysfunction and an un-medicated bipolar caused for tension and my heart was tender for Patrick. It is real-life for many people. The storyline was good though. The sassy Tiffany character always reminds me about how 'real' I am not and how she can just 'say it' and I can't. I have gotten better, but sometimes I would like to just 'say it'! Many times though, it is so inappropriate and just plain rude. I really don't want to be 'THAT GIRL', so I stand under the 'safety' of the drop ceiling; not daring to stand outside and just call it as I see it, shouting at the mountain, why are you in my way? I am going up and over you today! There is a part of me, however...

...maybe tomorrow!

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