Run for Home, Running Back, Fast, As I can

Captains Log Broad adventure Date numero  Huito.

And so it was that Captain woke us at 6.30. 

We believed, that it was so we could sit for a moment, enjoy the sunrise, eat breakfast, pull some stuff together and be ready for departure at 8.  but no, screw that - "Get your clothes on... we're going". 

By 6.50 engine was running and we were off. 

The morning was as clear as it could be.  The moon was on route to setting, but was reflecting in the water. (see extra)..  The air was still, there was not a sound with the exception of the putt putt of our engine. 

As the sun slowly rose, I sat,  Kate Winslet Style, at the top of boat, and contemplated, the only thing which would make this complete would be if a kingfisher flew slowly past the boat.... 

Just then First Officer Tooli, screamed "Kingfisher mum... kingfisher".  an pointed starboard..... 

Tooli beautifully slowed the boat down and both her and Si pointed it out to me.... I got my photo.  

Two minutes later it got even better - two kingfishers danced along the river bank; I think it was maybe a courting ritual, but my dream of slowly sailing along the broads, in silence, with kingfishers dancing along the stream had been realised. 

We got back to the dock after about an hour and a half and once more, just once more, with feeling, we had a complete and utter mental breakdown at parking. 

Captain threw in the towel and growled at me to do it, with the most alarming use of adverbs. 

I circled the dock until a couple of harbour lads spotted the issue; they started screaming instructions at me and I magnificently backed the boat in, until I hit the side.

They were delighted. 

"Did you have a good holiday?" they asked.   The first chap is still laying on his back on the dock side. 

The second one just got the mop removed from his arse by the chaps who change the fuel line.   

The third one said "lots of people have problems parking, you're not the worst by far". 

I complained to them about the idiots, who travel at 10 mph, I told them never to let a boat out again to anyone wearing a Capt Jack Sparrow Hat. 

I have never had a more exhausting, stressful holiday.   (Other than the camping one where it rained constantly, and at night we would all lay asleep listening to someone sharpening knives a few feet from the tent). 

We drove up the road like demons.  i needed to get in and sit down and gaze at my bed.  I wanted to stand in the shower, and not fall over the toilet seat at the same time. 

It continues to provide entertainment.  After mastering my seasickness after one night... I am now swaying here.  in my armchair at home - I couldn't drive to go and get take-out tonight. 

And we've decided.  Yes, we would do it again. But next time, not a low boat.  A three tiered boat, with reversing lights, and bow thrusters. 

I'm going to have to tell work now, that I was in Croatia, so that I can have two weeks off to recover. 


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