Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Hot dawg

I suggested to Strider that we go for a drink this evening. And then there were two.

TSM was up for it as well. And then there were three.

Why don’t we ask Mystic Em? Said TSM. And then there were four.

It would be good to see Mystic Em’s mum I suggested. And then there were five.

Mystic Emma’s mum said she would like to bring her boyfriend. And then there were six.

The Dizzle was in central London as it happened so I suggested he join us. Didn’t need much persuading. And then there were seven.

By 5.45 we were happily assembled around a window table in Marciano’s, drinking beer and ordering food. I ordered the moving mountains vegan hot dog which was enormous. I could barely get it in my mouth. Delicious ‘though. Then the waiter plonked down a marker saying that the table had been booked for Lauren Hobbs for 7pm. We decided to wait and see it out as we were ordering more beer and puddings by this point. Come 7.15 there was no sign of Lauren Hobbs and we decided she was just an invention. They threw us out at 7.27 and we hung around as we were keen to know what she looked like; but after five minutes we got bored and came home.

I can’t stop thinking about her now.

Finished The Midnight Library. Good book, the lesson being that the future  starts from here and you must look forwards not back. "It is quite a revelation to discover that the place you wanted to escape to is the exact same place you escaped from". Recommended.

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