Getting Stuck In

Today was the first big planting day for bulbs in and around the new raised sand bed.  After clearing away the copius 'gifts' left by the local felines, I have settled all the bulbs dug from the Norfolk garden into the bed, adding a good number of odds and ends that I no longer want to fuss over in pots.  A few suitable plants have also gone in and I will raise more from seed to join them next year.   Those parts of the bed fully planted have been top dressed with pea gravel and split canes plus other small sticks have been stuck in to create a less welcoming environment for moggies.   The rest of the bed has a piece of green netting over for now.  In time plants and settlement will make the bed less inviting and I will add some larger stones too.

Around the edges of the little front garden I have been slowly creating beds for assorted plants that have travelled here with me and today I extended these to accomodate larger colchicum, snowdrops, a clump of Leucojum aestivum and a martagon Lily bulb.   Some of these plantings may only be temporary but it is beginning to look a bit more like a garden now despite being rather tatty in places!

Today's image is a close up of a new flower of Colchicum macrophyllum which featured just over a week ago and is still looking great with an increasing number of flowers.

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