The day after

Yesterday was the last day of the VirginPulse Global Challenge for our team after 100 days. A pity it's not today, as I would have had the opportunity to add today's rowing session.

Anyway, we now have the final stats:
- our team ended on 3rd position from the 7 teams of our company (328 km behind the second team, but 2'527 km ahead of the 4th team)
- in the overall competition we landed on position 533 from 9'065 participating teams
- we started virtually from Uluru (Australia) and reached 187 legs, up to Annapurna (Nepal)
- our team achieved 9'767 km in total, with an average of 21'802 steps per day and team member (my personal result was 1'093 km, average of 17'071 steps/day)

Personally I am very happy with the result. It was a good experience and brought a good spirit to our team and to the company.

By the way: if you are interested who won the whole challenge. It's a team from the Deutsche Bundesbank (37'464 km, with the incredible average steps of 84'416 per person, per day).

Behind them 5 teams from the same Chinese company.

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