Black headed gull
Woke with one of my mercifully rare migraines. Rare as in this is the 2nd one in 6 months, but I think there was something like a 6 year break before that!
They are irritating more than debilitating, so I get off pretty lightly really. But it was not a day when spending time by a lake in very bright sun with an unusually taciturn mother-in-law really appealed. Anyway, that was on the schedule, so off I went, dutifully, to Blackford Pond. The birds were all being terribly photogenic, though I didn't really have the visual acuity required today so they're all a bit blurry.
My migraines are usually related to light disturbance (not putting the photocopy cover down triggered them until I figured that one out! The first one I ever had was after looking at a full moon through binoculars. Not the sharpest tool in the box, I know.) and I think today's was caused by commenting on blips last night in the dark. We quite liked the earth hour candle mood, so didn't bother putting the lights back on when the hour was up.
I have a load of photos to put up on flickr, but really can't face any more computer gazing tonight, so I'll bore you with those tomorrow instead.
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