Philosophy Friday

Thank you for all the kind comments and good wishes for Missy yesterday, she a bit more herself today, but a very muted version for now.

The collision of circumstance and opportunity meant that for reasons too obtuse to explain I spent a lot of today redoing the floor I laid yesterday with the new additional (and more aesthetically pleasing imho) wood that Phil supplied today.

In looking for a quote about doing a job well I was struck by how much of modern life tells you to do the thing you love, to drop everything and put yourself front and centre.

I'm very very aware I'm super privileged to say that's me, well nowadays anyhoo.

It's not most folks, and it never will be. And in selling them a dream of something else I think we do a disservice to them. Many many folk do a job that they don't enjoy, but a job they need. And there's a real dignity in that, something seldom acknowledged or respected. I think we need to focus more on what matters and less on how we get it. I'm not a fan of the give everything to a faceless corporate entity - rather be a mirror, give them what they give you, but save your best you for what matters most to you. I suspect its not work, or voting alliances or getting richer. I suspect its something far closer to home.

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