Very quiet catch up day. I was pleased to be able to sort out some mail synch problems I've been having for ages, and almost emptied my inbox (a very particular and all too rare joy!). A few panics around campus opening planning but had a good chat to C and nice to get her perspective.
Was supposed to be having lunch with V but a friend of hers had a crisis so she had to go to help and I just ploughed on. At the end of the day I decided to make up the beds for the next visitors and found this guy on one of the cushions - eek! - can't stand these enormous spiders that come into houses every September. Hate it when they race across a room, all knees and elbows, but at least this one sat still till I had a chance to chuck it out of the window *shudder*
Planned some things to do with A&N when they come up next week and did some knitting in the evening, think I'll watch a film
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