Eiffel Tower

This was taken on the Seine at the Mona Bismarck American Center, where we attended an opening reception for an exhibition of American quilts, from the collection of the American Museum in Britain.

(Edit, 13/2: This has become quite popular--I've just realize that it's very similar to a late afternoon view nearly a year ago, also taken near the American Center.)

I had happened to call the center a couple of weeks ago, and when they mentioned the quilt exhibition it turned out that one of the quilts was in fact from Gee's Bend in Alabama, where my grandfather had operated a plantation (in the early decades of the 20th century). The quilt-makers there have since acquired international renown exhibition in 2002 traveled nationally to at least nine museums.

I had hoped to post a blip of the quilt, but no photos were allowed--so the Eiffel Tower will have to do. Informationon the history of Gee's Bend is here, including a mention of the Van de Graaff family's role.

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