This isn't gonna work...
We were up fairly early this morning so took the kayak out for an early morning paddle - the lake was like glass and the air was filled with the sounds of birds. A perfect end to a lovely 3 days. (But could have done without the major thunderstorms and monsoon-like rains last night...)
As much as the getaway with Hubs was great, it is also good to be home. Things were buzzing in the garden when we got back this afternoon, so after unloading the rv and starting laundry, I spent some time aiming my Nikon at various things. Lots of hummingbirds around plus juvenile catbirds, teenage red bellied woodpeckers, bees and butterflies...but it was the chipmunks that won the day for me.
I had no sooner gone out to the patio when I looked down by my feet and spied a little chippie looking up at me hopefully. I knew what had to be done - peanuts had to be gotten. Back out with my pockets loaded where I was immediately set upon by three chippies, each cuter than the next.
Then, I spotted this one on the deck and tossed a couple peanuts up. It immediately grabbed the biggest one and then tried to figure out how to get the second one. He kept picking the smaller nut up in his paws and you could just see the mental gears trying to figure out how to manage. If logic entered into a chipmunk's thinking, it would have pouched the smaller nut and clenched the larger in its jaws --- but chipmunks are short on logic. Eventually he scurried off with the larger nut, returning shortly for the second one.
My other two favorite shots of the day are on Flickr
Gray Catbird
Close up RB Woodpecker
Picked up my cats (the Monarch ones) from my friend - all 9 formed their chrysalises while I was away, which was expected. And three butterflies emerged this morning, released by my friend.
Stay safe out there people. And you know the rest - kind and loving!
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