Sun at last

My sunflower is now in bloom, a little later than expected but utterly glorious.

It was a damp and dreary start this morning so I drove into work knowing that I could walk home and leave the car there if things cheered up. I’m pretty sure that about 75% of my blipchat lately is weather related but it’s inevitable during such changeable times.

Despite having now had three solid days in the office and no time with young people in school, work is actually going well. It’s been a massively productive few days and even though I’m itching to be in school, I’m glad for the time and the space to do some office work.

On my lunchtime meander there was a man walking up and down the high street waving a Bible around and shouting verses about Jesus and randomly shouting ‘hallelujah’. While I’m convinced that his motives were pure and his intentions harmless, I do wonder about the effectiveness of his delivery. To be fair though, I found him far less offensive than the guys with the placards who’s only message comes with the threat of hell. I appreciate that this is coming from somebody who’s job is to communicate the message of Jesus, but I genuinely think that we get to do that by invitation and, ideally, in relationship.

My walk home was delightfully sunny and filled with the site of school pupils flowing out of schools. Such a joyous scene after so long. And I bumped into a senior staff member at one of our local schools on duty and had a great chat about how we can partner together this term. I walked home with a definite spring in my step.

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