Not so burnt as it looks pizza

It’s been a while since I posted a plate of food. It’ll have to do for today. Pretty dull and uninspiring today, drizzly wet when we went for our walk in the gathering gloaming.

After Joe Wicks on our freshly delivered workout mats (kitchen floor runners made to the correct length) I faffed about until lunch time with more purposeful faffing in the afternoon while Susan was out with her Owls (Old Westborough Ladies- her former teaching colleague who have keep in touch since retirements)

I picked a further 3kg of tomatoes, made a pizza base, tomato sauce for the pizza, then created the pizza - a Jamie Oliver sausage version with red onions, rosemary, grapes! and mozzarella. Despite what it looks like here it was pretty good and I have enough dough, sauce and sausage for another pizza.

In other news, I had a reply from the gym after I resorted to Twitter to air my complaint as I had threatened to do if I had net heard from them. They replied within 40 minutes of my posting. I’m now expecting to be contacted by my local gym.

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