Last blooms

Despite being dog tired last night, didnt have the best night again......but okish!

We had the alarm set as hub had an earlyish appointment at the GPs for a routine blood pressure check.......I went on to Lidl to get some groceries, hub joined me once he was finished.

Back home, everything put away, I printed off a label to return an item to Amazon. I ordered a green/white "sink tidy" for the kitchen...£11. When it arrived from China, couldn't believe how shoddy & cheap it was and to top it all, it was pink!!!!

We walked into town, post office first, then hub went to get his hair cut, I called at the bank before going to Costa for a coffee to wait. Then it was on to Reds cafe for lunch....a lovely chicken fahita wrap with salad for me, the usual club sandwich for him. We spent longer than usual there, chatting with the girls who were just finishing for closing up....did I mention that they have put the business up for sale :-(

A walk home, a few chores indoors, including trawling through lots of images of our granddaughters. I want to make a collage, then print and frame, to replace the current photos hung around our "landing" which need updating.

Late afternoon the clouds disappeared to give some lovely late sun so we sat outside and read for an hour or so.....really pleasant until the sun dipped behind the trees, then it was chilly! As the skies were so blue, couldn't resist shooting the last of the apricot roses in bloom over the arbour, for todays blip.

Dinner tonight was griddled rump steak, onions, fried egg, tomatoes, mushrooms & asparagus......very delicious :-)

We are currently watching series 1 of Our Yorkshire Farm, having enjoyed S3 so much :-)

Well thats me over and out for today, stay safe all!

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