By lizzie_birkett

Another Tip Trip

We're both feeling a bit better today - though still not right - and Frank said he was going to spend some time cleaning the attic room which doubles as his music room and a guest room. I asked if he was taking some dusters and the vacuum cleaner up with him - he looked a bit perplexed and said 'I don't mean that kind of cleaning'.
He meant taking things out of the eaves storage spaces and sorting them so he can fit his music equipment in one side. He asked me to join him up there in half an hour to advise him on what was to go to the tip and the charity shop.
I duly went up after half an hour only to find him playing the piano!
Anyway we sorted all the stuff out and another trip to the tip will be made before the end of the day.
(I must say that apart from 2 boxes and my sleeping bag and 2 suitcases - a large and a small - the rest was Frank's and the odd household item - me smug? :-D)))
However, Frank is now in getting rid mode and is going to advertise a bass guitar, a banjo and an amplifier.
After he has finished his 'cleaning' I will go up there and clean!

When we moved in 2 years ago we had this room replastered, then I decorated it and we had new carpet put down.
Then we noticed damp patches on the newly painted chimney wall and my lovey wallpaper in the alcove started lifting at the top. We had had the roof retiled but the company hadn't pointed the chimney as asked. We have contacted them numerous times to come and finish the job but they never get back to us. Now Frank has found a local roofer to do the job so hopefully I'll be able to redecorate that side again. The wallpaper just needs sticking back and then some stain cover before I repaint paint the rest.

Apart from that I'm just sitting here knitting.
The rain is on and off, the sun is in and out.
We were watching a fledgling Swallow/House Martin earlier, sat on a wrought iron gate across the road that leads to a ginnel between 2 houses. The little bird was obviously struggling and ended up on the ground, flapping its wings. The parents then rallied and kept flying down and showing baby what to do and eventually it managed to fly and stay airborne. Isn't nature amazing?

Thank you for all your sympathy comments for our poorly tummies yesterday - much appreciated :-) X

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