Pain in the neck

Today has been just that... a pain in the neck. It started off with Pilates, where I managed to pull something, resulting in a horrible pain through my neck and in between my shoulder blades. I should add that my Pilates teacher is on holiday so we had someone filling in - I don't think she's not a good teacher, but just a different style to what we're used to.

Then our Internet went down for a few hours, resulting in a backlog of work for me to do this evening, and therefore no time for blipping. And THEN, the Apple TV thing started playing up, meaning I missed 5 mins of University Challenge! I know... tragedy upon tragedy, I bet you're all wondering how I coped!

I had a look in the medicine cupboard earlier, as the neck pain is giving me a headache, and I noticed that I seem to be collecting paracetamol. I must stop "stocking up" whenever we visit Boots. Hopefully the pain in my neck will have eased by tomorrow, and I'll have a smoother day all round. Hope everyone is well, I'll try to catch up with you all tomorrow.

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