Not Erin.

My poor girl woke this morning still with a high temperature and glassy looking eyes, so there was no way she was going to school today. That led to problem 1 of my day, Jack was not impressed by the news that he would be going and Erin would not.

"Feel my forehead forever Mummy and you will see that it is hot"

I felt, it wasn't and he was skipping and dancing round the room within 5 minutes forgetting he was supposed to be feigning an illness. Luckily for me problem 2 was resolved when my neighbour Annette took him so that Erin didn't have to get out in the bitter cold.

She then spent the morning on the sofa and to alleviate problem 3 my friend Jayne kindly came and sat with her so that I could go to my solicitors meeting about transferring the house deeds over to me now that I have bought my ex out of the property. Problem number 4 occured during the meeting and problem 5 Jayne also helped with when she stayed at the house with Erin whilst I went and collected the school runs. A day of problems but all bar one resolved with the help of my fab friends.

This evening Erins temp spiked at 40.1 and so she was dosed with extra calpol after talking to the doctor. Paul arrived to eat with us and sat with her on his lap with a cold flannel on her head. Within 10 minutes her temp was starting to fall and she even managed a mini trifle, the first thing she has eaten since yesterday afternoon. Fluids she is doing well with and thankfully by the time I got her to bed her temperature had gone down to 38.6 the lowest it's been all day. She is coping so well with it and announced earlier

"I am feeling ok Mummy it is just my body that feels ill".

She has been so sweet and cuddly all day but also very quiet and laying on the sofa, most certainly not Erin.

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