Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Hairy caterpillar!

Came across this impressive beast today before the weather turned and the deluge began. I think it's a grey dagger moth caterpillar, happy to be corrected, it's certainly very dramatic! He was on one of the cherry seedlings that I have not yet got around to removing.

I had a Zoom training session at 9am this morning about budget setting. I don't really do 9am any longer but I must have been listening as I answered all the check up questions correctly.

Having finished that by 10.30, I headed along to Tesco at Davidson's Mains via the Cycle track. On the way back I decided to pick some brambles and managed a kilo, so they'll be simmering shortly and dripping overnight to make some jelly. I got very wet on the way back as the weather has changed, I'm glad I wore my jacket. It's got cooler too, shame!

No premium bond win this month either so so far I'm unimpressed with September, lol! I did however finally manage to get through to the correct department at HMRC, or DWP, or Future Pensions, I'm not quite sure who I ended up with in the end but they were the right department which is what matters. I'm trying to find out why the payment I made in May has not yet been reflected in my pension. It's taken about 10 calls over many weeks but this time I seem to have found the right department. I should hear from them in 7-10 working days apparently.... I know it's not easy when everybody is working from home.

Oh and then Hermes has had a problem finding my house (it's on the main road) oh and nobody was in (we were) oh and there was no safe place (the front door into the porch was wide open). Their contact system stopped at 4 and they sent the message at 5.45. Ridiculous!

Stay safe and well everybody, it's sounding even more like we shouldn't be travelling unless we have to.

Steps today. 10103

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